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<h3>Hours of Operation:</h3><table><tr><td>Monday</td><td>24 hours</td></tr><tr><td>Tuesday</td><td>24 hours</td></tr><tr><td>Wednesday</td><td>24 hours</td></tr><tr><td>Thursday</td><td>24 hours</td></tr><tr><td>Friday</td><td>24 hours</td></tr><tr><td>Saturday</td><td>24 hours</td></tr><tr><td>Sunday</td><td>24 hours</td></tr></table><hr/><h3>Services Offered:</h3><br/>24 Hour Plumbers<br/>Commercial Plumbing<br/>Emergency Plumbing Service<br/>Plumbers<br/>Remodel Plumbing<br/>Residential Plumbing<br/>Sewers & Drains<br/>Sump Pumps<br/>Video Inspections<br/>Water Heaters<br/>Water Lines/Pipe Work<br/><br/><hr/><h3>Description:</h3><br/>Welcome to Crystal Clear Plumbing.<br><br><br>If You Are Shopping Strictly For Price Please Respectfully Move On. We Are Not The Cheapest. <br><br><br>There are plenty of lowball people selling junk that just goes against our philosophy. Also, we are a private company which means you must be a member before we will work for you. There is a fee for this, please see the contract explanation below to see what this entails and why we have decided to move in this direction.<br>The reasons for using Crystal Clear Plumbing and making them ‘your’ private plumber are many. The very first is that we treat you just like family. We will not install any item in your home that we would not install in our own parents or our own home. What this means is that you are not going to have to be dealing with the same issue a couple of months down the road. Is going to cost a little more? Yes! And no. Yes, because we are going to use a higher quality product. No because you’re not going to be stuck paying a tabor again in a couple of months. If you install a toilet for $600, is that cheaper than a $900 one? Initially yes, long term you will be having problems down the road, clogs, breakdowns etc. Each time you have to call “one of those plumbers” it is going to cost you. <br><br>We take pride in the attention to detail put into each of the projects we're involved with. We're known for our quality work and the integrity of our business. We look forward to building long-term relationships with our clients, and guarantee your satisfaction.<br><br><br><br><hr/>
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